

Pete Collins

“Historically we had 2000T in pools, however, after two years with CRM Agri we now market all our grain independently and our results at the very least match and usually beat the pools”

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Ali Wade

“It’s not just about yield but getting the best price for what we produce, particularly in tough times. The independent advice from CRM Agri gives us the insight we need to understand the markets and increase our profitability”

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Christopher Heneage

“Farmers don’t have time to analyse what’s happening all over the world, which makes the strategy CRM Agri gives us invaluable. We concentrate on growing the crop and rely on CRM to provide us with the strategy to get the best price we possibly can”

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Alex Bragg

“I use the team at CRM to challenge my thoughts on pricing and where the market might go help my clients achieve a better price, it also provides the owners of the farms we manage with the confidence that their grain is being marketed independently and professionally”

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Martin Jenkins

“By taking risks I was getting my grain marketing fairly consistently wrong, and that’s when I learnt the benefits of professional, independent marketing advice”

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