
Welcome to CRM AgriCommodities

Independent, Transparent & Reliable Grain Marketing Experts

Marketing is about information and timely, well informed decisions. Information is widely available, but very little is analysed independently and how much can be trusted?

At CRM Agri we take the guess work out of marketing, providing physical buyers and sellers with clear and unbiased trading strategies, based on sound, fundamental analysis. Our aim is to provide our clients with clear, simple strategies and information, whilst giving them access to information they can trust.

CRM Agri hold a unique position within the market place, with no ties to the trade or the markets our views are totally unbiased and all our recommendations are in the best interests of our clients. These clients include arable farmers, buyers, banks, funds, dairy & poultry units. All these participants face the same volatility, the questions is how do they manage it – this is where CRM Agri help.

Our global network of information partners allows us to collect fundamental information as soon as it becomes available, by focusing on this method Bottom-Up analysis, we are able to justify the decisions which we make and build dynamic trading strategies for our clients. We recognise in the service industry that who you work with is as important as what is being provided, it is for this reason that our consultants are highly trained in all relevant aspects of commodity markets and able to explain clearly to our clients the theories and mechanisms of the strategies which we build.